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The sprotty-elk module provides a layout engine for Sprotty diagrams based on the Eclipse Layout Kernel (ELK).


In order to use ELK with Sprotty, several steps need to be done in order to inject the required components into the Sprotty container. If you are not already familiar with Sprotty’s dependency injection, you should first read the Sprotty documentation.

A good example of how to use ELK with Sprotty can be found in the random graph example.

Create a new Elk Factory

Outside of the ContainerModule, you need to create a new ElkFactory.

import { ElkFactory } from 'sprotty-elk/lib/inversify';
import ElkConstructor from 'elkjs/lib/elk.bundled.js';

export default (containerId: string) => {
    const elkFactory: ElkFactory = () => new ElkConstructor({
        algorithms: [], // array of layout algorithms to be integrated into the layout engine
        defaultLayoutOptions: {}, // default layout options to be used by the layout engine
        workerUrl: 'url' // URL to the ELK worker (elk-worker.js). If set, ELK will use a web worker to perform the layout computation


All parameters in the ElkConstructor are optional. The algorithms parameter is an array of layout algorithms to be integrated into the layout engine. By default layered, stress, mrtree, radial, force, and disco are available. If you want to use a different algorithm, you need to specify it in the algorithms parameter. Note that box, fixed, and random are always included.

Bind the ElkFactory to the ContainerModule

The ElkFactory needs to be bound in the ContainerMoule.

const myModule = new ContainerModule((bind, unbind, isBound, rebind) => {

Bind the ElkLayoutEngine to the ContainerModule

const myModule = new ContainerModule((bind, unbind, isBound, rebind) => {

Bind the LayoutConfigurator to the ContainerModule

The LayoutConfigurator is used to apply layout options to the ELK graph. See the Layout section for more information.

const myModule = new ContainerModule((bind, unbind, isBound, rebind) => {

Load the ElkLayoutModule to the Container

const container = new Container();
    container.load(elkLayoutModule, myModule);
    return container;


  1. The Sprotty SModel is turned into an ELK graph.
  2. Optional preprocessing of the ELK graph.
  3. The ELK graph is laid out.
  4. Optional postprocessing of the ELK graph.
  5. Position and size information is transferred to the Sprotty SModel.

Transformation of an SModel to an ELK graph

In order to perform the layout, Elk requires a specific graph structure comprised of ElkNodes, ElkEdges, ElkPorts, and ElkLabels. On the other hand, the SModel can be comprised of an arbitrary number of nodes, edges, ports, and labels subtypes which are not directly compatible with the format that Elk supports.

The first thing we need to do is transform our SModel elements to ELK elements. This relies heavily on the basic_type:sub_type syntax. Only the basic type is considered when transforming SModel elements to their Elk counterpart. For example, an SModel node with the type node:my_type will be transformed into an ElkNode. Similarly, SModel elements of basic type edge will be transformed into an ElkEdge, label to ElkLabel, and port to ElkPort.

This transformation is done by the ElkLayoutEngine class, via the transformGraph method. The transformGraph method will traverse the SModel from its root (which is turned into an ElkNode instance) and transform its children into Elk elements. Every transformation of an SModel element is accompanied by the transformation of its children, if any.

The root element of the SModel must be of basic type graph.


Once the SModel has been transformed into an ELK graph, we can apply some preprocessing to the graph. This is done by implementing a class implementing the ILayoutPreprocessor interface, and passing it to the constructor of the ElkLayoutEngine. The preprocessor class needs to implement a preprocess method, which will receive the ELK graph, the Sprotty graph, and the index.

By default, no preprocessing is done.

First, we need to create a class implementing the ILayoutPreprocessor interface.

export class MyLayoutPreprocessor implements ILayoutPreprocessor {
    preprocess(elkGraph: ElkNode, sgraph: SGraph, index: SModelIndex): void {
        // apply preprocessing to the ELK graph

Then, we need to bind the preprocessor to the ContainerModule.

const myModule = new ContainerModule((bind, unbind, isBound, rebind) => {


After preprocessing, the ELK graph is laid out. During that time, ELK will apply layout options to the respective ELK graph elements. By default, no options are applied.

In order to apply your own set of options to the layout engine, you need to implement a class extending the DefaultLayoutConfigurator.

export class MyLayoutConfigurator extends DefaultLayoutConfigurator {
    // options for the graph element
    protected override graphOptions(sgraph: SGraph, index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions | undefined {
        return {"optionKey": "optionValue"};
    // options for node elements
    protected override nodeOptions(snode: SNode, index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions | undefined {
        return {"optionKey": "optionValue"};

    // options for edge elements
    protected override edgeOptions(sedge: SEdge, index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions | undefined {
        return {"optionKey": "optionValue"};

    // options for label elements
    protected override labelOptions(slabel: SLabel, index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions | undefined {
        return {"optionKey": "optionValue"};

    // options for port elements
    protected override portOptions(sport: SPort, index: SModelIndex): LayoutOptions | undefined {
        return {"optionKey": "optionValue"};

The complete list of available options can be found in the ELK documentation.


Once the ELK graph has been laid out, we can apply some postprocessing to the graph. This is done by implementing a class implementing the ILayoutPostprocessor interface, and passing it to the constructor of the ElkLayoutEngine. The postprocessor class needs to implement a postprocess method, which will receive the ELK graph, the Sprotty graph, and the index. This postprecessor should be used to apply any changes to the ELK graph that are not possible to be done during the layout phase.

By default, no postprocessing is done.

Similarly to the preprocessor, we need to create a class implementing the ILayoutPostprocessor interface.

export class MyLayoutPostprocessor implements ILayoutPostprocessor {
    postprocess(elkGraph: ElkNode, sgraph: SGraph, index: SModelIndex): void {
        // apply postprocessing to the ELK graph

Then, we need to bind the postprocessor to the ContainerModule.

const myModule = new ContainerModule((bind, unbind, isBound, rebind) => {

Back to the SModel

Once the ELK graph has been laid out and postprocessed, the position and size information is transferred back to the SModel.