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SVG Rendering

Sprotty transforms a given SModel to its representation in the DOM in the form of a hierarchy of SVG elements. An SModel is composed of SModelElements, and each SModelElement has a type property that is associated to a single corresponding View. The ViewRegistry keeps a map of the correspondence between an element type and a view. These model elements are organized in the virtual DOM before being rendered as actual SVG elements in the DOM.

Virtual DOM

The virtual DOM is a tree-based, partial or complete representation of the DOM content. In our context, the virtual DOM contains a representation of our diagram SVG elements and their hierarchy. For every update made to the diagram, Sprotty generates a new SModel through the CommandStack and forwards it to the Viewer. Updates are often limited to a specific node or group of nodes and it would be unnecessarily expensive to have to re-render the entire diagram for each update. It is more efficient to apply minimal updates to directly impacted DOM elements. Sprotty relies on Snabbdom for handling elements in the virtual DOM and applying minimal changes the DOM through patching.


Views are at the center of Sprotty’s rendering mechanism. They are classes implementing the IView interface and have a render() method that describes the SVG elements to be rendered for a given SModelElement type. Views use the TSX syntax, which allow combining HTML and TypeScript code to define elements, and therefore needs to reside inside of files with the .tsx extension.

Let’s have a look at the definition of the NodeView from the Class Diagram example:

export class NodeView extends RectangularNodeView {
    override render(node: Readonly<SNodeImpl>, context: RenderingContext, args?: IViewArgs): VNode | undefined {
        if (!this.isVisible(node, context)) {
            return undefined;
        return <g>
            <rect class-sprotty-node={true}
                  class-node-package={node.type === 'node:package'}
                  class-node-class={node.type === 'node:class'}
                  class-mouseover={node.hoverFeedback} class-selected={node.selected}
                  x="0" y="0" width={Math.max(node.size.width, 0)} height={Math.max(node.size.height, 0)}></rect>

The class NodeView extends RectangularNodeView which is a default View in Sprotty, ultimately implementing IView. Don’t forget to add the class decorator @injectable(), which is necessary for the Dependency Injection mechanism.

The render() method is the core of the View. It takes node – that is the model element to be rendered - as an argument, a RenderingContext, and an optional args object. View implementations should first check whether the node should be rendered at all. This is an optimization step, as we only want to render SVG elements that are inside of the visible viewport and not hidden by some other user-defined filter. Eventually, the render() method returns a VNode which is Snabbdom’s virtual representation of a DOM element. This VNode can hold one and only one root element, therefore we need to group our SVG elements inside of a container element g. The SVG elements can be styled using CSS classes using Snabbdom’s notation. Classes are dynamically toggled with expressions of the form class-X={boolean expression}, with the class- prefix followed by the name of the class and a boolean expression to determine if the class should be toggled or not. In our example, the rect element created by the NodeView could have a class of sprotty-node, node-package, node-class, mouseover, selected, or any combination of those depending of the respective boolean expressions. It is then easy to style elements with CSS based on class names.

Other attributes like width, height, and position are also defined here. Please note that the position is set at x="0" y="0" since the actual position will be determined by the layout engine later on.

Finally, we render children of the node with the renderChildren() method from the RenderingContext. We strongly advocate for keeping the View’s responsibility to render only the SVG that is specific for the given node. Any child (e.g. labels, buttons, children nodes) should be rendered in their own View. This keeps the code better organized and removes the complexity of having to implement the layout of nested elements such as labels in the View itself and instead delegates this responsibility to the layout engine.


It is important to distinguish two types of layout:

  1. The client layout (or micro-layout) which deals with the layout of a node’s children.
  2. The server layout (or macro-layout) which deals with the overall shape of the diagram, placement of nodes and edges.

Client Layout

The client layout, a.k.a. micro-layout, occurs first. In this phase, Sprotty computes the position and size for elements that add some visual information such as labels to nodes and edges. Different layouts are selected using the layout property of a SNode or SCompartment. The values of the layout property can be:

  • hbox for an horizontal layout.
  • vbox for a vertical layout.
  • stack for a stacking of children elements.

The micro-layout is computed in two phases:

  1. A RequestBoundAction is received and the model is rendered invisibly (e.g. by assigning a width and height of zero to the elements). The locally used fonts and CSS styles are applied during this rendering phase. The resulting size information is used to invoke the selected layouts and the updated bounds are written into a ComputedBoundAction.
  2. The bounds stored in the ComputedBoundAction are applied to the model and initiates the visible rendering of the updated model with SetModelAction or UpdateModelAction.

In depth documentation about the micro-layouting can be found here

Server Layout

The server layout, a.k.a. macro-layout takes place after the client layout. This is configured with an implementation of the ILayoutEngine interface. This takes care of the general shape of the diagram and computes the position of nodes and edges. Sprotty provides a package to use the Eclipse Layout Kernel(ELK), a JAVA-based automatic layout engine with several standard algorithms, but it is also of course possible to implement your own.